Cryptocurrency Enforcement

Enforcement Actions

The Texas State Securities Board was the first state securities regulator to enter an enforcement order against a cryptocurrency firm and to date the Securities Commissioner has entered more than 50 administrative orders involving individuals and entities.



Feb. 14: BlockFi Lending LLC

Feb. 21: Wireless Management, LLC

Apr. 13: Sand Vegas Casino Club

May 10: Flamingo Casino Club


Mar. 14: Delta Crypt Limited DBA Binance Assets DBA BinanceAssets LTD DBA Bit Kind LTD

Mar. 14: Digitaly Invest and FxSmart-Robots

Mar. 15: DailyForex247 AKA DialyForex247 AKA Futureview Express AKA Pocket Option

Apr. 16: Bitles Limited AKA Bitle$, Janis Lacis, C3 Data Services, and Edward Carter

Apr. 27: Affort Projects S.A.; AlgorAndTrade24; AuxillaryFX Ltd AKA AuxilliaryFX AKA Auxilliary FX; CryptoTradeDailyPlus; CryptoStreamTrade AKA CryptoStream AKA Crypto$tream; Exerlo; FXTradePlus24; FXVirwoxFair; Nexetral; Prime Coin Option AKA PrimeCoinOption; SplitFXTrade AKA OandaForexTrade; TradeFlow 24 AKA TradeFlow24; TradeOptionMarket AKA Trade Option Market; ViaForexTrade; XpressTrade24; and XpressTrade247

Apr. 29: Hyperion Trust LLC AKA HyperionTrust AKA Hyperion Mutual Trust AKA Hyperion Assets Limited AKA Hyperion Assets Management Limited

Apr. 30: EscoCapital AKA Esco Capital

Jun. 17: Keye Midas Wealth Management Worldwide AKA Keye Midas Wealth Management Servics AKA Key Midas Private Wealth Management Services AKA KMWM

Aug. 11: Prestige Assets Mgnt, LLC

Sep. 15: Immortal Assets

Sep. 16: Riek Capital AKA Reik Capital Investment AKA Reik Capital Distributors, LLC

Nov. 10: Treasure Growth LLC AKA Treasure Growth AKA Treasure Growth Investment AKA Treasure Growth Investments

2019 - 2020
2017 - 2018


Emerging Investor Threat: Cryptocurrency Offerings

The TSSB has found widespread fraud in securities tied to cryptocurrencies.

Read the results of a four-week investigation in 2017-2018 into crypto offerings and ongoing enforcement efforts.

Video Resources

Understanding ICOs and other cryptocurrency offerings (North American Securities Administrators Association)

Enforcement Director Joe Rotunda discusses fraud in crypto-related securities offerings:

Combatting Cryptocurrency Fraud: CFTC FinTech Conference,  Oct. 3-4, 2018

Decrypting Cryptocurrency Scams: FTC Workshop, June 25, 2018

Blockchain Is Not What You Think It IsCesare Fracassi of the University of Texas Blockchain Initiative explains the theory and science underpinning blockchain and how it's being used.